Case Study

Basement Beast Marketing Case Study - Earns an EMS A+

Sep 02, 2022

Case Study of the Beast Basement Sales funnel.

I doubt the Beast Basement has ever heard of the Marketing Medic or the Empathic Marketing Strategy.

But they still earned an A+ for their implementation of EMS.

They had a great ad that was unique, captured my attention and earned my click.

Their headline contained a Have to Have it Hook that Captured my Heart that was supported by a Big Differentiator that Convinced my Mind.

Their Offer has some tremendous bonuses and 2 guarantees that removed all the risk from me.

Their "Questions" section addressed pretty much all my False Limiting Beliefs.

The funnel had 3 terrific upsells that made perfect sense and is sure to increase their Average Cart Value.

Inside their membership area, they have even more more upsells and many of them have their own unique Hooks and Big Differentiatior.

If this guy didn't teach people how to get ripped, he could certainly teach them how to market!